Amerzone: why the remake of this cult adventure game?

Acclaimed for its outlandish atmosphere and amazing production value in 1999, Amerzone – The Explorer’s Legacy is returning this year in the form of a remake for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series and PC. We met with Microids to find out what inspired their teams to embark on a remake.

The perfect time to revisit a very special title for Microids

With more than one million copies sold around the globe, Amerzone was an instant hit with adventure game fans, who loved its spellbinding atmosphere. For Microids, it is above all the first game produced by the sorely missed Benoît Sokal, a brilliant artist who went on to create the Syberia series.

“That’s why, after Syberia: The World Before, we thought that it would be interesting to return to the roots; to offer both fans of the original and newcomers an enhanced version of the game where it all began,” explained Charles Leveugle, Brand Manager at Microids.

“For us, simply making a remaster would not have been enough of a tribute for Amerzone’s 25th anniversary,” continued Charles. “A remake gives us the opportunity to make a vivid experience even richer, without betraying the original episode.” As we will see, putting out a new version of Amerzone in 2024 offers several advantages…

The old dock of the first Amerzone's game
The old dock of the first Amerzone's game
The new dock in Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy
The new dock in Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy

Making a remake: a great idea on many levels

The principal reason for remaking Amerzone jumps out of the screen when you watch the reveal trailer: namely, the possibilities opened up by progress in graphics technology. “This game is all about the mystery-filled atmosphere, where immersion is key,” explained Charles. “So it was crucial for us to push the engine as far as possible, to produce vibrant environments filled with finely modeled characters that are animated using motion capture.” The same goes for the sound environment, with rich sound effects that are much denser than in the original, as well as a new soundtrack composed by Inon Zur (of Syberia and Fallout)!

That’s not all, because the gameplay has also been modernized in keeping with the original game. Amerzone is of course sticking with its iconic point-and-click style, where the player explores environments through fixed camera angles; however, the transitions are now smoother. As for the puzzles, they are clearer and more intuitive, while remaining just as challenging. “We have also added some totally new puzzles, to provide some fresh challenges for the first generation of players,” added Charles.

Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy
Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy

Finally, this Amerzone remake will help perpetuate the legacy of a title that is important for Microids, for players and for the adventure genre as a whole! “Playing the Windows 98 or PlayStation edition today can be tricky,” noted Charles, “and it’s a shame, because it’s a very worthwhile game to play. It deserves a version that’s designed for today’s machines, which will extend the experience for another 25 years. The original fans will be able to return to the game through an enhanced adventure, while new audiences will at last get a chance to experience it through a remake that meets today’s standards.”

A unique journey to be discovered or rediscovered

With this all-new version of Amerzone – The Explorer’s Legacy, Microids is aiming to offer a rare gaming experience once again, in keeping with Benoît Sokal’s philosophy. “It’s a game that encourages players to take their time and think,” said Charles. “They can forget about what’s going on around them, breathe in the atmosphere of a foreign land, and lose themselves in the plot. We are proud to be working on this remake, and we believe it will bring together all generations of players. After all, whether you’re 20 or 50, the call of adventure is just as strong…”


Stay tuned to the official Microids website for more content to come from behind the scenes of Amerzone, and don’t miss the launch by adding it to your wishlist on Steam, Epic Games Store and PlayStation Store!


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